Many columns of the tidy format for covid19R data use a controlled vocabulary to define standardized types. While you can read more about these in our documentation, this pulls the controlled vocabulary and description for a given vocabulary type.




name of a column from a dataset pulled from get_covid19_dataset or a data type listed in get_covid19_data_info


a tibble with information about approved controlled vocabulary terms and their description


#> # A tibble: 20 x 2 #> data_type description #> <chr> <chr> #> 1 cases_new new confirmed Covid-19 cases during on the current d… #> 2 cases_total cumulative confirmed Covid-19 cases as of the curren… #> 3 recovered_total cumulative number of patients recovered as of the cu… #> 4 recovered_new new number of patients recovered on the current date #> 5 deaths_new new deaths on the current date #> 6 deaths_total cumulative deaths due to Covid-19 as of the current … #> 7 tested_total cumulative number of tests performed as of the date #> 8 hosp_new new hospitalizations on the current date #> 9 hosp_current current number of hospitalized patients as of the cu… #> 10 icu_current number of hospitalized patients in ICUs as of the cu… #> 11 vent_current number of hospitalized patients requiring ventilatio… #> 12 driving_req_rel_volume relative volume of driving direction requests from a… #> 13 walking_req_rel_volume relative volume of walking direction requests from a… #> 14 transit_req_rel_volume relative volume of transit direction requests from a… #> 15 retail_and_recreation_… percent change in visits to retail and recreation wi… #> 16 grocery_and_pharmacy_p… percent change in visits to groceries and pharmacies… #> 17 parks_perc_ch percent change in visits to parks within a given are… #> 18 transit_stations_perc_… percent change in visits to transit stations within … #> 19 workplaces_perc_ch percent change in visits to places of work within a … #> 20 residential_perc_ch percent change in visits to residental locations wit…